Yogurt is a balanced source of calcium and protein. This nutrient dense Superfood contains active cultures that help keep the digestive system balanced.
did you know?
- One cup of yogurt has as much potassium as a medium banana and 30% of the daily value for calcium!
- For a lower calorie option, reach for plain, unsweetened yogurt.
- Greek yogurt has about twice as much protein and less sodium than regular yogurt.
- Yogurts with live & active cultures act as probiotics to help keep our digestive systems balanced.
- When choosing a yogurt, consider the type of milk it is made from, the sweetener (if any) and whether or not it contains active cultures.
- Yogurt combines well with sweet or savory ingredients, so look beyond parfaits to dips, smoothies, soups and other dishes made with yogurt.
try some of our favorite yogurt recipes
Chocolate Avocado Boost Shake
Chocolate Avocado Shake made with Almond Milk, Coffee, and Yogurt
Check out this recipe

Mixed Berry Chia Pudding with Greek Yogurt
A homemade, wholesome snack created with wellness in mind. The perfect bite to help fuel you through your day!
Check out this recipe

Strawberry Basil Yogurt Panna Cotta
A delicious dessert that packs a protein punch thanks to the Greek yogurt.
Check out this recipe

Greek Yogurt Ranch
A simple, creamy dressing that you can make from fresh ingredients.
Check out this recipe

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