Learn, cook & enjoy from wherever you are with our TeachingKitchen@home virtual series. Our team of experts have created these videos to help you explore food, culinary and nutrition literacy without having to leave the comfort of your own kitchen. Download the recipes and follow along with our Chefs, Registered Dietitians and Celebrity Chef partners.

Turmeric Mango Popsicle with Chef Bal
download recipe hereKnife Skills - Slicing Onions by Chef Jet Tila
Ginger Chicken by Chef Jet Tila
Chef's Roasted Chicken by Chef Jet Tila
Make the Perfect Fried Rice with Chef Jet Tila
Lentil Soup with Chef Bal
download recipe hereGolden Milk with Chef Bal
Roasted Vegetables with Turmeric Tahini Sauce by Chef Bal
download recipe hereCoconut Chickpea Bowl by Chef Bal
download recipe hereRoasted Turmeric Cauliflower & Cashew Hummus with Chef Bal
download recipe hereGolden Chai with Chef Bal
Pumpkin Ginger Soup with Chef Bal
download recipe here
Download Recipes Here:
Basic Vinaigrette
Berry, Chia Almond Pudding
Dark Chocolate Bark
Engergy Packed Pick Me Ups
Greek Salsa
Let’s Make Granola
Healthy Burger
How to Make Kimchi
Meat, Meet Mushroom
Pasta with Escarole, Mushrooms and Tomatoes
Pickled Carrots
Stir Fry Chicken Cremini Chile Cashew Lettuce Wrap
Sweet Potato Hash with Seared Salmon
Tabouli Salad
Vegetable Two Bean Chili
Whole Grain Quinoa Shaker Salad
Download Recipes Here:

Download Recipes Here:
Chocolate Chip Muffins
Aztec Quinoa Bowl
Peanut Butter Energy Balls
Meal and snack preparation can augment the education your children might be receiving via homework or web-based classes. By discussing the ingredient and flavor origins you provide a social studies lesson while measuring ingredients and scaling a recipe to make more or fewer portions reinforces math skills. Most importantly, preparing a meal or snack results in a delicious sense of accomplishment.
A few important tips for you before using these videos:
- Download the recipe. Make sure you have all of the ingredients or figure out substitutions.
- Good hand-washing is key. Not just at this point in time, but it is always important when preparing food.
- Assess the skill level of your child. For young children, you may need to do any chopping and cutting of ingredients ahead of time for them to assemble. Older children may be able to chop and cut on their own. You might provide a refresher of knife safety. Make sure if you or your child will do any chopping that your knives are sharp. Dull knives are dangerous. If you don’t have a sharpener and don’t want to leave the house try knifeaid.com.